Digital / Services

Hi 👋

I'm an Amsterdam-based full-stack / front-end developer called Koen Schaft. Since the late 90s I've been building websites, primarily focussed on you — the user.

My drive is building digital products that simply work, I personally believe in, and resonate with the target audience. I strive to write “easy to reason about”-code, which is maintainable and scales well. I'm pragmatic, but don't like to compromise on quality. I like to challenge the status quo, but favour proven technology above jumping every shiny new bandwagon.

I've worked at PwC’s Experience Center, GRRR, and Superhero Cheesecake. For a short resume, view my LinkedIn profile.


Travic CI build passing

Due to my tendency to want to be able to “do it all”, I'm quite proficient in creating digital products. That's mostly the “execution part”, where my core focus is front-end, usually combined with some back-end coding, devops work and occasionally (digital interface) design.

Things I could help you with:

  • Building “Simple” Websites e.g. templating, styling, interaction with some vanilla JavaScript, static campaign websites, prototypes, proof of concepts, ...
  • Building Scalable Web Applications e.g. interactive dashboards, composable CMSs, user authentication, APIs, TypeScript, React, Python, PHP, ...
  • DevOps / Tooling e.g. CI/CD, pipelines, deployments, CLI tools, Git workflows (branches, rebasing), Docker, VMs, Kubernetes, ...
  • Performance Optimization / Caching e.g. front-end assets, backend caching, distribution and invalidation via CDNs, ...
  • Accessibility / Usability e.g. audits, improving together with designers / developers, ...

Just reach out, and I'll let you know if I'm the right person for the job.


Not being the person submitting work for awards doesn't mean you can't win any. Who doesn't like shiny stuff?! 🏆

A few notable wins can be seen on my LinkedIn profile, always in collaboration with the awesome people I've worked with.


It's today, and my current freelance availability is...

Not available 🙈🙊🙉

That means I'm likely not available for the upcoming months.
You can always reach out, and discuss future opportunities.


A random selection of clients I've worked for. Most of these collaborations happened while being employed at the before mentioned agencies.